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Photo n. 2 Hand of an Apostle Leonardo's "Cena" S. Maria delle Grazie Church, Milan
The collaborators of "The Centre for Technical Research for the Arts" have approved what follows: "The flakes of colour in the two fingers in the zone not yet cleaned, have characteristics exactly alike to those we may observe in the cleaned zone. These last have been declared autographic by responsible Curators. All the not yet cleaned flakes of the fingers have the same thickness as well as the autographic ones in the cleaned zone; so the morphology of their fractures is identical.
One should then deduce that the flakes in the not yet cleaned zone are all the same autographic.
The flakes of autographical colour in the zone cleaned during the recent operation of restoration result to be fewer than those in the zone still intact.
One ought then to deduce that numerous original flakes came off during the work of cleaning.
The photo proves phat this loss is to be calculated about 20% at least".

The art magazine: "Costume" - Anno XIII  n. 48-49 luglio-dicembre 1982

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